How You Approach a Disagreement Matters

While the pandemic has impacted everyone, it has impacted some families more than others. It is not surprising that a family where one or both parents have lost their job (or now have a reduced income), work on the front lines or have different risk tolerances have a few more hurdles to get over. See this short read from Amy Robertson, a Chartered Mediator in Victoria, British Columbia.

5 Smart Financial Tips To Plan for a Divorce

Divorce is one of the most stressful things that a person will ever undertake. Oftentimes, people are so intent in formally ending a relationship that their decisions are often made under severe emotional distress. Here are some tips from Denise French, a certified divorce financial analyst, that can help you prepare financially for a divorce.

Does Your Work Culture Promote Psychological Safety?

All across America, places of work are considering the safety of its employees and personnel. Included is the psychological well-being of employees. Here is a brief articles by Lorraine Segal, M.A. describing 3 critical factors to consider.