How You Approach a Disagreement Matters

While the pandemic has impacted everyone, it has impacted some families more than others. It is not surprising that a family where one or both parents have lost their job (or now have a reduced income), work on the front lines or have different risk tolerances have a few more hurdles to get over. See this short read from Amy Robertson, a Chartered Mediator in Victoria, British Columbia.

5 Smart Financial Tips To Plan for a Divorce

Divorce is one of the most stressful things that a person will ever undertake. Oftentimes, people are so intent in formally ending a relationship that their decisions are often made under severe emotional distress. Here are some tips from Denise French, a certified divorce financial analyst, that can help you prepare financially for a divorce.

Texas Durable Power of Attorney and Form

A financial power of attorney is a legal instrument that gives another person (called an attorney-in-fact) the authority to make personal and financial decisions on your behalf.  A financial power of attorney can be as broad, or as specific as you want it to be.  For example, a power of attorney can authorize someone to make banking, tax, litigation, and/or financial planning decisions on your behalf.  A financial power of attorney does not, however, encompass medical decisions–a separate medical power of attorney is needed for that purpose.

You can make the financial power of attorney effective immediately after it is signed, or make it effective in the event of your incapacity (the inability to make decisions on your own behalf).

Although the State of Texas has promulgated a standard form to be used (see the link below), you should consult with an attorney when preparing a financial power of attorney to ensure that it accurately reflects your needs and wishes.